CVV2 (Card Validation Value) Security Codes |
CVV2 is the last 3 digits of the credit card number printed on the reverse side of
your card. For example, if the number "0000 1111 2222 3333 444" is printed on the
reverse side of your card, your CVV2 code is "444".
CVV2 codes for "virtual credit cards" vary by the bank that issued it. Some banks
deliver a physical card along with your virtual credit card. The CVV2 number can be
found on these cards. Some banks may transmit your CVV2 code from their online banking
If you were unable to find your CVV2 code using the information provided here, you may
get in touch with your bank or use another card.
Why do we need your CVV2 Code? International Credit Card Companies decided to start
using the CVV2 code in 2002. Your CVV2 code is never imprinted on credit card slips, which
minimizes the risk of third parties accessing this code.
We request your CVV2 Code for the security of your transaction.